This project was looked at creating an updated logo design for Scottish higher learning developers, ScotHELD. This was a quick brief with the company looking for designs within the day. ScotHELD were an excellent company to work with and I had a lot of fun when creating this design.
Initial sketches
Initial sketches were created very quickly, three A4 paged were divided into 8 sections each and a timer was used to determine when to move on from each sketch. After the generation of these sketches the two designs with most visual appeal were chosen to be developed digitally.
Logo options
The two logos which were digitally developed are shown below. The first shows a simplistic to the point modern design to capture the professional nature of ScotHELD. The second was designed to look joined together as if built for different shapes, this was done to create a feel of further development linking to the service which ScotHELD provides.

colour development
Two colour schemes were create and presented to the client to convey key aspects of ScotHELD's core values. After presenting to ScotHELD the blue scheme was also chosen to convey the professional, trustworthy nature as well as speaking to the company's Scottish background.

Final design
Below is the final logo design and colour scheme chosen by the client. I chose to keep this logo minimalistic and clean to show the professional and modern nature of ScotHELD. Incorporating the arrow helped show the development/ forward moving motivation of this company in a universally understandable way.