This project looked at creating a new digital application for the BBC to help grow the excitement and engagement of users aged 18-24. This quote was taken from the initial brief - "Like all PSB's (public service broadcasters) the BBC is vulnerable to rapidly changing media landscape, particularly in its struggle to attract and retain younger audiences".
Project aims
Point 1: To engage users aged 18-24 years old.
Point 2: To design the digital application using BBC GEL guidelines.
Point 3: To create a working prototype of the digital application.
User research
This is some of the user research which influenced my final design. I chose to research colour at this stage as I believe it is a good way to engage the target market and better appeal to what they find aesthetically pleasing.

By creating user personas, I found it easier to design with the potential end user in mind. It also helped refine the research I did prior to this and gave me something straight forward to refer back to for guidance in the following stages of the design process.

From my research I was able to develop a personal brief for the application which I believed would best engage the given target audience and was also a product which the BBC does not currently provide. Below I have included a copy of the brief created.

MoSCoW model
I created a MoSCoW model to help with the prioritisation of features within the application. This really helped to streamline my design and allowed me to disregard features which I liked the idea of but were unrealistic to design given the time constraints of this brief.

Crazy 8's
To begin designing the visual style and layout of this application I used the Crazy 8's method. Using this method I created one quick sketch per minute to see which home page layout worked best to incorporate all the elements required. I then continued to use this method to design more of the application pages and chose which design looked best and worked well together.

Once I had chosen a layout which incorporated the application features in a way which made sense to the user, I was able to develop these wireframes which allowed for initial testing by the target audience. Doing this allowed me to catch any design flaws or inconsistencies and change them before advancing to the final design.

Final designs
These are the final designs of my BBC Night Life application. By sourcing pictures and information from a range of events, brands and venues I was able to create a professional looking application mockup. I am very happy with the design and think the visual style fits in well with other BBC applications. I created this prototype using Adobe Invision and really enjoyed learning how to work with this software as I think it produced a great end result.